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Start > Ship SKINs > Cruisers > Standard Cruisers > Caldari > Caracal Octopus Red Flight SKIN
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Caracal Octopus Red Flight SKIN


The Caldari Navy's 37th (Octopus) Squadron has a long and storied history stretching back to the Caldari-Gallente War that led to independence for the Caldari State. One of the original frigate squadrons established during the war, the 37th is notable as a capsuleer unit within the Caldari Navy.

Octopus Squadron's "Red Flight" later became famous as a missile strike unit using Kestrel-class frigates. In recent years, the Octopus Red Flight has been upgraded to a flight of missile cruisers and, together with the rest of the 37th, is a frontline unit of the Caldari Navy.
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SKIN applies to: Caracal
Mass:0 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:0.00 ISK
Portion size:1 item