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Oneiros Emergency Response Squad SKIN


For certain tasks, CONCORD forces will use many of the ship designs of the four empires, and the rapid emergency response vessels are usually adaptations of the advanced logistics cruisers manufactured by empire corporations.

The Emergency Response Squad is an elite force within the DED that operates alongside the special forces of the SARO division. These ships are crewed by specialized rapid repair and shield stabilization engineers, and always carry a complement of elite battlefield search, rescue and resuscitate troops. The high premium that SARO places on preserving its elite operatives is such that ERS combat medics will usually be equipped with brain scanners capable of preserving the personality of a trooper even if the body is broken beyond repair.
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SKIN applies to: Oneiros
Mass:0 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:0.00 ISK
Portion size:1 item