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Start > Ship SKINs > Haulers and Industrial Ships > Advanced Haulers > Transport Ships > Gallente > Viator Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN
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Viator Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN


Inner Zone Shipping has increased its internal security forces in the wake of the instability and increased threats to space travel posed by pirate activity, Drifter attacks and the Triglavian invasion.

The Inner Zone Vanguard clear shipping routes of likely threats and provide a rapid response should IZS transports be attacked.
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LMeve API api.php?key=TESTAPIKEY99TESTAPIKEY&endpoint=INVTYPES&typeID=52762
ESI https://esi.evetech.net/inventory/types/52762/
SKIN applies to: Viator
Mass:0 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:0.00 ISK
Portion size:1 item