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Ikitursa Liminal Crossings SKIN


New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries dating from an age long before the renaissance of space travel, industry and warfare that has brought into being the four empires of the core systems. Many believe the EVE Gate itself to be the ruined remains of an old, forgotten crossing point to a place where the human species originated. Others consider it a trapdoor to unimaginable dangers or, at the very least, a warning of the terrible risks of meddling with sleeping secrets and hidden horrors that lie beyond the thresholds of space and time.

The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the departed, perhaps dead, Jove are testament to the dangers of delving into the mysteries of deep time. Even though the civilizations of New Eden commonly see crossroads as an ancient mythological symbol of opportunity twinned with danger, as befits a place between the worlds, the promise of vast rewards for taking a leap beyond the liminal crossings of New Eden are ever alluring to capsuleers.
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SKIN applies to: Ikitursa
Mass:0 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:0.00 ISK
Portion size:1 item