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Men's Imperial Stargate Crew Pants


The Amarr Empire's stargates are typically crewed by veteran engineers of the Imperial Navy with specialities related to FTL travel and communications. Control of Amarr stargates is a constant issue of contention within the vast bureaucracy of the Empire, with the powerful Ministries of Assessment, Internal Order, and War seeking primacy over infrastructure that these institutions consider within their remits. Imperial stargate crews generally wear the standardized gear issued by the Secure Commerce Commission suitably customized to reflect their allegiance and preferred working practices.

Stargates are crewed by small numbers of dedicated engineers despite a high degree of automation and the use of maintenance drones. Stargate crews are required to oversee routine maintenance, carry out tasks arising from problems automated systems are not capable of handling, and provide a first response in the event of emergencies. Under the Yulai Convention, CONCORD's Secure Commerce Commission has overall responsibility for maintaining standards for FTL travel and communications. However, each of the core empires construct and maintain gates on their territories using crews that are typically drawn from their militaries or leading space industrial corporations.
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Mass:1 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:0.00 ISK
Portion size:1 item