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Men's 'State Protector' Pants


The Caldari State's military is the product of a patriotic tradition rooted in the ancient culture of the Caldari peoples transformed by the modern culture of the megacorporations. Loyalty to the State is an ideal; loyalty to the Megacorporation an imperative; loyalty to the Family a virtue. Taken together, all these are seen as essential to the protection of the State and Caldari Way.

Ever since the formation of the Caldari State, the military strategy of the megacorporations that collectively rule it has always been geared towards protecting the corporate system from external foes and internal dissent. These pants are part of a set of clothes that declares your loyalty to the State and displays your willingness to take up arms in defense of the Caldari way of life.
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Mass:1 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:0.00 ISK
Portion size:1 item