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Start > Manufacture & Research > Materials > Raw Materials > Standard Ores > Crokite > Compressed Sharp Crokite
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Compressed Sharp Crokite


In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

This material is compressed and a much more compact form of the original material.
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Mass:99,999,999,999,999,996,863,366,107,917,975,552 kg
Volume (unpacked):0 m3
Cargohold:0.00 m3
Baseprice:8,021,400.00 ISK
Portion size:100 items
Primary Skill required
Reprocessing Skill
Variegated Ore Processing
Stasis Webifier Resistance