Incursion 1.6 patch brings Carbon UI and… lots of problems

Incursion 1.6 patch brings Carbon UI and… lots of problems

New Carbon UIMost seasoned EVE players have already got used to a rough ride after a patch day. CCP has commited to make this experience less painful, and over the years, patches have became smoother and situations where a new patch introduced new bugs are not as common now as they used to be in the past. Unfortunately the latest Incursion 1.6 patch, which replaced the old GUI with a brand new Carbon UI, brought lots of quite severe bugs. Patch notes were rather short, so no one expected trouble, such as:

  • When running two clients on some machines, the client in the background crashes during jumping through the gate on the active client.
  • Hotkeys are currently working incorrectly – you have to press the hotkey before clicking on the object you want to interact with.
  • Planetary resources showing as 0. This can be fixed by clearing your cache.
  • Anti-Aliasing is causing “ghost” windows to appear after dragging a window. Workaround is to turn off Anti-Aliasing.

This forum thread contains a full list of problems introduced by the last patch. Good luck to CCP, so they fix this soon!