$TIME_OUT='Czas na wykonanie zlecenia minął.';
$WARN_MSG='To zlecenie wymaga pilnej uwagi!';
$WARN_INCOMPLETE='To zlecenie jest niekompletne!';
$NOT_DONE='Zlecenie nie zostało jeszcze wykonane.';
$DONE='To zlecenie zostało wykonane.';
$TIME_OUT='Czas na wykonanie zlecenia minął.';
$WARN_MSG='To zlecenie wymaga pilnej uwagi!';
$WARN_INCOMPLETE='To zlecenie jest niekompletne!';
$NOT_DONE='Zlecenie nie zostało jeszcze wykonane.';
$DONE='To zlecenie zostało wykonane.';
"'Dogs may be used by the army as sentries, for scouting, for hunting, and to control the army's herds of food animals. The use of dogs in open battle is forbidden regardless of the uses an enemy may put such beasts to.'
"I guess Rouvenor liked dogs, or maybe he really didn't like them. I'll be honest, I'm a bit ambivalent about using anything other than humans in war myself. Putting part of an operation, however small, under the control of an animal or a robot, expands the envelope of risk more than I'd like. Humans going rogue are risk enough, if you ask me. At least with a missile the point is that it blows up too. Still, I'll grant you things like drones do have their uses."
â Muryia Mordu, quoting the War Commentaries of dos Rouvenor