Planetary setup

I have colonized 5 planets in a friendly low sec in order to produce Broadcast Nodes. Each planet is set up to extract the necessary P0 Raw Materials and process them at the same planet into P1 Processed Materials. Then some P1 and P2 commodities are transported between planets so they can be mixed into P2 Refined Commodities, and some of them are then processed to form P3 Specialized Commodities. Finally, the three  P3 materials necessary to build Broadcast Nodes are moved to my Barren planet which has a High Tech Factory

P3 Specialized Commodities needed to make Broadcast Nodes:

  • High-Tech Transmitter
  • Neocoms
  • Data Chips
The routes between planets are as follows (one run a day is more than enough):

Gas get 100% Oxidizing Compound and
move 50% -> Temperate
move 50% -> Lava
Temperate Polyaramids -> Lava
Temperate Microfiber Shielding -> Ice
Lava get 50% Silicon -> Temperate
Lava Neocoms -> Barren
Lava High-Tech Transmitters -> Barren
Ice Data Chips -> Barren

Barren Biocells -> Lava
Barren Broadcast Node -> Market -> PROFIT!!!