Czy te CUDA o których piszecie przyspażają Nvidi wiernych?
Does this CUDA you write about give Nvidia new worshippers?
And another one:
Ale porażka. Widać, że Nvidia sobie kompletnie nie radzi na rynku układów graficznych.
What a fail. It's clear that Nvidia completely fails on the GPU market.
I am using both NVidia and ATI cards, and frankly, I don’t understand where all this hatred, all this venom come from.
It is clear, that people have emotion and all various feelings that form up in human mind. This is normal and there is nothing wrong with that. Discussions are usually polite, because most of us have been brought up in such a way. Internet on the other hand allows great deal of privacy, so some people stop caring about being polite – why should I be polite if no one knows me? (besides site admin and ISP). So sometimes emotions take over, people don’t care and then the discussion becomes an argument. (read more)
On the previous iPhone OS versions there was a way to open Network Monitor, or so called Field Test. By pressing *3001#12345#* and <Call> you could activate a screen similar to the one on the right. Note, that the usual “bars” are replaced with dB indicator showing the signal strength.
Unfortunately the above code only works until iPhone OS 3.1.3. In iOS 4.0 there is no such thing. Sad Panda Face again…
Yesterday was a big day for all fans of Apple’s mobile phone, the iPhone. Apple has finally published its long-awaited new Iphone OS version , now simply called iOS (by the way, I wonder what Cisco has to say about this; Cisco router’s OS has been called IOS for years).
“I had custom wallpapers in Windows 3.1 back in ’94”
Since I am owner of the 2nd generation iPhone, my handset did not get all the features mentioned by Jobs earlier this year (to avoid confusion: firts generation is iPhone 2G, second gen is the 3G, while 3GS is a third generation device). Multitasking is one of the said features. I’ve been a fan of Windows Mobile for at least seven years now, and multitasking was always there, just like in the “big” Windows on the PC. Granted, if you do not pay attention to how many programs are running in the background, the device will gradually slow down. When it slows down to a complete halt – you have to do a soft reset to clean the memory and basically reboot the Windows Mobile OS. I can understand that Apple did not want iPhone users to suffer from these issues. What I cannot understand are some other features removed from 3G iPhone, hence the “Sad Panda Face” from the post title.
No home screen wallpaper under the icons. Apple will surely claim it is due to limited memory and slow 400 MHz CPU (but I had custom wallpapers in Windows 3.1 back in ’94 – on my first PC 66MHz 486 DX2).
No support for Bluetooth keyboard – again, I’m sure Apple is going to invent some reason why I cannot use a foldable Bluetooth Freedom Keyboard with my phone (which worked just fine in Win Mobile and Symbian 3-4 years ago)
Ability to lock the screen orientation – since it is in the multitasking menu, it does not work on the 3G iPhone
“iOS 4.0 still delivers some small goodies”
Now the good stuff, because iOS 4.0 still delivers some small goodies. Most important: folders. You can grab up to 12 icons and put the together into a single bin that takes less space. All my 6 pages of icons now only take 2 pages. You might ask why limit of 12 icons in one folder, but once you saw the screenshot, you will know why.
Another great feature is the geotagging in Photos application. It was actually always there (every time you take a photo with your iPhone, location is saved in picture’s metadata). Now you can look at the map and literally see where did you take all those photos.
Business iPhone users will be very glad to know, that improved email client also made it’s way to iPhone 3G and allows to see all messages from all accounts in one big inbox (you can still browse messages by account as usual), there is an option to see the list of messages, or in a threaded way as seen in modern Windows Mobile or in Gmail.
And at last, something that should be in iPhone OS 1.0: character count for short messages (even my old Siemens handset from 2001 has that). Almost forgotten: the docking bar in the bottom of the screen received a minor facelift and now looks more like Apple UI known from MacOS and iPad.
“Only two latest generations are fully supported by Apple”
Apple seems to keep their upgrade policy, which was first introduced during iPhone OS 3.0 deployment. iPhone 2G did not receive the native MMS capability, which could easily be enabled after jailbreaking the handset and replacing one of the binaries. The same applies to the features which are not available on iPhone 3G in iOS 4.0 – they can be enabled in jailbroken devices. Simply put, only two latest generations are fully supported by Apple, in this case iPhone 3GS and brand new iPhone 4. Too bad. Sad Panda Face.
EDIT 28.06.2010: Sent the same feedback to Apple. It probably won’t help, but I can always try.
Shortly after midnight, at 00:16 on 15th of June, Sansha Nation has attacked planet in Isanamo system. According to logs gathered by “Operation Bad Moon” team, due to strong planetary defenses and quick capsuleer response, the Nation was unable to abduct any inhabitants.
It shows that even though the attacks cannot be predicted yet, good planetary defenses and quick exchange of information between capsuleers can protect us from the new Sansha threat. Strong planetary defense is one thing which Gallente government could learn from Caldari. Regarding us capsuleers – we need more coordination (intel channels, intel forwarding paths) to lower the delay between attack and capsuleer response. Creating an alliance is a costly but very effective option. It will also protect small corporations from Sympathisers wardecs.
I have colonized 5 planets in a friendly low sec in order to produce Broadcast Nodes. Each planet is set up to extract the necessary P0 Raw Materials and process them at the same planet into P1 Processed Materials. Then some P1 and P2 commodities are transported between planets so they can be mixed into P2 Refined Commodities, and some of them are then processed to form P3 Specialized Commodities. Finally, the three P3 materials necessary to build Broadcast Nodes are moved to my Barren planet which has a High Tech Factory
P3 Specialized Commodities needed to make Broadcast Nodes:
High-Tech Transmitter
Data Chips
The routes between planets are as follows (one run a day is more than enough):
I had a short conversation with one of the fellow pilots from the “Operation Bad Moon” team. We have formulated a new theory that might bring us closer to solving the mystery of how the Nation is generating their Violent Wormholes.
Last night, 13.06.2010 on 20:24 after a longer break, another Nation attack occured. Two violent wormholes have been opened in orbit of planet Ardallabier IV. Initial capsuleer response was very small compared to overwhelming Sansha forces. A Dramiel pilot has agressed one of the battleship spawns and speedtanked them, while other pilots made their way through countless Nation ships. Soon more capsuleers arrived on the scene, including “Operation Bad Moon” team, which tried to analyze the wormholes and disrupt them. Nation forces were unfortunately successful during their harvest and 110.000 was reported taken by Sansha dropships. There were three battleship-class waves and one interceptor-class squad. First wave of battleships has managed to escape through the wormhole, but remaining Sansha forces were quickly dispatched by the growing capsuleer forces.
I have planned on writing my own tutorial, but due to lack of free time (it is a very sought after commodity), it never happened. There are however already a few tutorials and “101” type movies on the net, so if you are interested in playing with PI, it is definitely worth a look.
The best one I found so far is the one prepared by Eve University:
Three new builds have been deployed by CCP on the test server, bringing most of the missing graphics and icons. Quick look at POS structures’ BPOs shows that the prices will stay roughly the same (supply/demand might influence a bit), at least when compared to each other. A good example can be Small Ship Assembly Array (90 mil isk NPC price) compared to <racial> Control Tower Small (100 mil isk NPC price). The amount of planetary advanced materials needed is 4 materials of each type to build both. The same does not apply to large towers which now cost 3 times the price of small tower, but according to the new BPOs it will become 4 times more expensive.
Today CCP has released a new build of EvE: Tyrannis on their test server. If you would like to try it out yourself, all you need to do is copy your main Eve folder to a new location (for example to C:\Eve test). Then make a shortcut on your desktop to the “eve.exe” file in this test folder. Right click the shortcut, choose properties and add the following: /server:
"C:\eve test\eve.exe" /server:
Run it and let it update (please mind it is a rather bulky download > 280Mb). I have not been able to log on yet, but in the meantime you can have a look at how the login screen is going to look like in Tyrannis:
UPDATE 29.04.2010:
The changes (compared to the previous builds) include:
5 tiers of command center (was 1) with different cpu/pg capacity and skill requirements
new login screen
planetary nodes renamed to customs office
exporting materials from planets costs isk
building structures costs isk (for example 200.000 per extractor)
improved planetary structures graphics & nodes
command center node now shows cpu and pg with colour dots