Caldari defenses held in Isanamo

Shortly after midnight, at 00:16 on 15th of June, Sansha Nation has attacked planet in Isanamo system. According to logs gathered by “Operation Bad Moon” team, due to strong planetary defenses and quick capsuleer response, the Nation was unable to abduct any inhabitants.

It shows that even though the attacks cannot be predicted yet, good planetary defenses and quick exchange of information between capsuleers can protect us from the new Sansha threat. Strong planetary defense is one thing which Gallente government could learn from Caldari. Regarding us capsuleers – we need more coordination (intel channels, intel forwarding paths) to lower the delay between attack and capsuleer response. Creating an alliance is a costly but very effective option. It will also protect small corporations from Sympathisers wardecs.

Sansha Nation can, and will be stopped.

New Tyrannis build on Singularity

Today CCP has released a new build of EvE: Tyrannis on their test server. If you would like to try it out yourself, all you need to do is copy your main Eve folder to a new location (for example to C:\Eve test). Then make a shortcut on your desktop to the “eve.exe” file in this test folder. Right click the shortcut, choose properties and add the following: /server:

"C:\eve test\eve.exe" /server:

Run it and let it update (please mind it is a rather bulky download > 280Mb). I have not been able to log on yet, but in the meantime you can have a look at how the login screen is going to look like in Tyrannis:

UPDATE 29.04.2010:

The changes (compared to the previous builds) include:

  • 5 tiers of command center (was 1) with different cpu/pg capacity and skill requirements
  • new login screen
  • planetary nodes renamed to customs office
  • exporting materials from planets costs isk
  • building structures costs isk (for example 200.000 per extractor)
  • improved planetary structures graphics & nodes
  • command center node now shows cpu and pg with colour dots
  • command center can now be abandoned
  • very important: planet types have been reseeded
  • very important: POS structures BPO seeded
  • POS BPO use tier 3 and tier 4 planetary materials
  • new Scorpion battleship hull (comparison below)

Old Scorpion hull

New Scorpion hull