PUBG New State released
11th of November is not only Polish Independence day or Global Shopping Festival on Aliexpress. On November 11th 2021 new and improved PUBG was released

Coming soon in WoT Blitz 8.5
World of Tanks Blitz 8.4 was just deployed last week, but news about 8.5 already started to appear in social media. European tank commanders will

Still can’t update World of Tanks Blitz to 8.4 on Android?
I have some good news for you: if you have Huawei or Samsung phone, you can install WoT Blitz 8.4 on your Android phone right

WoT Blitz 8.4 news
New event From October 22 till November 1, explore the Titan lab and take control of the secret prototypes—medium Tier V Titan Mk and heavy

WoT Blitz 8.3 news and new PBR tanks – coming soon!
No doubt players would love to see all their tank models updated at once, but reality is that it’s a huge undertaking and it takes

Perpetuum Online Is Now Free-To-Play On Steam
In early 2018, a sci-fi MMORPG with mechanics very similar to EVE Online, was officially shut down. But the developers at Avatar Creations did not