Inferno 1.1 available for testing

CCP has deployed Inferno 1.1 on the Singularity public test server yesterday, bringing a whole batch of features that did not make it into the initial release, namely Minmatar V3 skins and a bunch of smaller adjustments to War Declaration mechanics. It seems devs didn’t like that The Star Fraction turned the war initially started by Goonswarm mutual, and then hired a number of allies for free (see this forum post).

  • Team Tri-lambda has made a tiny facelift to the Drake, to make it look better with the new missile launchers.
  • Pilots involved in Faction Warfare will welcome the removal of all E-WAR from FW NPCs. Initially this looks like a considerable boost to Gallente.
  • We will also witness a new skill for Reactive Armor Hardeners: Armor Resistance Phasing, which makes them adjust faster (and as a result – use more capacitor).
  • Incursions will see a removal of two nerfs introduced in Escalation to Inferno, namely:
    • Lowering the reward for vanguard sites by 10%
    • The system influence
  • A lot of unreleased clothing will be made available for AUR – and this time the micropayments will really be micro (prices will range btween 100, 300 and 500 AUR) Complete dev-blog is available here. Eight uniforms, two for each race will be added to FW LP store.

The complete list of changes is available in the Inferno 1.1 feedback post on the forums.

As usual, if you would like to test the new content yourself, feel free to read the Singularity guide at the bottom of this post.

Words are just words, so better have a look at the beautiful minnie ships. They don’t look “streamlined” like the Reaper; instead, they kept their rusty and menacing looks.

Inferno 1.1 will be deployed on 19th of June.