Exploration finally comes to EVE Echoes

Exploration finally comes to EVE Echoes

In EVE Online, the original PC version of the game scanning uses Scanning Probes: special modules and ammo, which, when deployed into space can pinpoint the location of interesting deadspace pockets, player structures and ships. The process takes a few iterations, where the first scan shows the rough location, and further scans increase the accuracy to a point where you can warp to it. This mechanic opened up a whole new profession of Exploration.

When EVE Echoes was finally deployed on August 13th, 2020, it came out without scanning. The in-game explanation was that some kind of supernova event caused the whole universe to mirror itself, and EVE Echoes happens in this “echo” universe, where certain quantum phenomena caused probe scanners to stop working. Empire Factions and Sisters of EVE have been researching it, and finally, almost ten months later a discovery was made: special neutrinos caused by the supernova explosion can be used to scan things in space.

Two new types of modules starting at Tier 7 were added to the game:

  • Wide Resonance Scanner
  • Narrow Resonance Scanner

These two modules are counterparts of Core Probe Launcher, which launches Core Scanner Probe and Expanded Probe Launcher which can launch Combat Scanner Probes, respectively. Instead of probes, these new modules require fuel, which is mined on planets using Planetery Interaction. When activated, the module will sweep the system and if any signatures are found, a special minigame will appear, where the player is presented with the detected signals and interfering stellar body signals in that system. The players task is to filter out all interference from the detected signal, and if the player manged to do that, the signature becomes warpable.


Resonance Scanner used for PVE can datect many different signals, including Deadspace anomalies and Nihilus Space gateways. You will need to have the Wide Resonance Scanner fitted, and by activating it in space, you will receive list of signals from the current starsystem. Once the scan is complete, player can tap the information check the scan report and begin the analysis minigame.


The Resonance Scanner can be used for PVP, just like Combat Probes were used in EVE Online. You have to fit the Narrow Resonance Scanner and activate it in space to receive different signals that show the ships in the current solarsystem. Then you can tap the information and begin the analysis minigame.


Resonance Scanners need 200GJ worth of fuel to be present in the ships cargohold for each scan. Different fuels can be used, but each fuel type has different amount of energy in it, so different amount of fuel will be used each time you scan.

Fuel can be mined on planets like any other planetary material, and has to be one of the following:

  • Heavy Water (2GJ, 100 needed)
  • Suspended Plasma (5GJ, 20 needed)
  • Liquid Ozone (13GJ, 16 needed)
  • Ionic Solutions (37GJ, 6 needed)
  • Oxygen Isotopes (83GJ, 3 needed)
  • Plasmoids (196GJ, 2 needed)