I had a feeling that EVE Online: Crucible is just another fake name, but the current SiSi client shows this name when you press ESC and go to “About EVE” tab.
It seems that the words of the CEO of CCP are slowly taking shape in the form of the new Winter Expansion. Dev blogs and video dev blogs are being released almost every day, and so are the updates on Singularity. Let’s sum up what was said and what is already there:
Less CPU, less PG, less cap, 20% tracking to blasters, 10% damage to railguns, 5 seconds reload instead of 10 seconds. See dev blog here, feedback thread here
Siege module II, Triage module II, Bomb Launcher II, Warp Disruption Field Generator II, Warfare links II, Expanded/Core Probe Launcher II, MAPC II, Drone upgrades II – see screenshot and a feedback thread here
Starbase logistics management
Fuel Blocks – four racial type of Fuel pellets instead of the current model. See dev-blog here.
Decreased anchor/unanchor and online/offline times for most structures.
Removed the need to enter password when using Jump Bridges.
New EWAR-Drones
no info yet
T2 Rigs manufacturing
Magnetometric sites value incresed, will now spawn T2 rig BPCs and more rig components
The new ship shaders remind me of the Trinity expansion back in 2007. As long as the poly models haven’t been touched (except for Raven and Phobos), the texture quality has been improved greatly. In one of the video dev blogs, CCP Basement Ben said that ships are now being “vee-threed”, which I understand as another iteration upon Trinity (which would be the V2) and original artwork (V1 in this example). First visible difference is the detail level (thanks to new PGS shaders – textures are the same size, but their map composition is different – see my post about PGS shaders and Scorpion model evolution here). Additional effect of the new shader is the ability to place custom decals on ships – most Gallente and Caldari models now bear either a faction logo (for T1) or R&D corporation logo (T2). Screenshots say it all:
The new nebulae look really cool and much more detailed, but some regions still need some work: for example Essence looks unfinished – there is only one cloud taking a quarter of the sky, and the rest is basically empty (black). Genesis is much better though:
There is some cosmetic changes as well: turret icons have been reverted to the custom drawn ones, which are much easier to distinguish (and take less time to load). Another change has been done to the Phobos, which now has visible large Warp Disruption Field Generators (they spin!). When we talk about HIC’s, it’s worth to mention, that WDFG has received a Tech II counterpart, which has 36km range.
I have almost forgotten about the BPOs for the new tier-3 battlecruisers: these are already available on SiSi, so all industry moguls can already start planning their mineral supply chains.
Overall impression of the development is rather good. CCP is doing lots of necessary improvements, but in a very tight timeframe (most of these changes should have been done during the past two years, not months). I am a bit afraid that pushing so many things at once will most likely result in a higher amount of bugs. Also the balance changes will surely cause a lot of discussion, especially the Supercarrier nerf.
PS. I think CCP_Soundwave summed it all up perfectly: Winter Expansion “is gonna be exciting for spaceships… If you like spaceships. If you don’t like spaceships, you’re gonna be a little disappointed”
EDIT: I have calculated the tier-3 battlecruisers build price at ME 0 (for researched BPOs it will be about 10% less). Clearly, the Talos is out of line, being almost as expensive to build as the Dominix.
Build Price
Talos (ME 0)
52 747 405,11
Tornado (ME 0)
41 597 934,74
Naga (ME 0)
47 949 742,59
Oracle (ME 0)
47 386 315,47
EDIT 2: The Winter Expansion name is “Crucible” source: evenews24.com
The Winter Expansion is focused on “Flying-in-Space” experience, so it is not a surprise, that the new nebulae announced together with updated turret models will make it to this expansion. I must admit that the art departament at CCP really did a great job. The new nebulae look very detailed and quite realistic, much better than the current ones.
There is one more change. Existing backgrounds are different for each constellation, but there is not much sense in how they are placed. The new backgrounds will be different for each region instead, but as you travel around the New Eden, you will see some phenomena closer and some further away, giving a feeling of distance and adding more immersion.
New backgrounds will affect one more thing as well: the reflections. This will cause ship textures to look slightly different, depending on the nebula and sun colours. Similar effect can be seen with the current backgrounds, especially when jumping from a red-background system to one with blue or green nebula. Art department promised however, that all the ships will be just as cool with the new backgrounds in place.
Knowing EVE community, one thing is certain: the new backgrounds will witness some serious boat violencing. EVE is a serious internet spaceship game after all 😉
Since one image is worth thousand words, CCP will swap this dull red cloud:
Yesterdays video by CCP Guard confirms what CCP Fallout said a while ago on Twitter: engine trails are being worked on and will be reintroduced to EVE at some point after the Winter Expansion. This is a very good news for vets like me, I really loved the engine trails when a big fleet warped in or out, or when fast ships zoomed around on MWD (check out No Other Destiny (1:16) or EVE Never Fades videos (1:54, 3:09) if you want to know what I’m talking about).
EDIT: Engine trails will be included in the Winter Expnsion after all. Good news!
Yesterday a new beta build has been deployed to Singularity test server, which brings some, but not all the announced content of the still-unnamed-winter-expansion.
First off, new font has been introduced and moreover, it has been tweaked since its introduction, so it is now both readable and fits the existing GUI pretty well.
Secondly, there is the new cyno effect and the jump drive activation effect. It is still not as good as the old one, but I like it more than the current Tranquility version. And the new cyno is just simply beautiful piece of art.
Then, there are some ship changes: Destroyers have received 10% boost to shield, armor and hull, additional 25% boost to the capacitor, while at the same time the signature radius has been reduced by 25%.
Another change has been done to the logistic ships class. Oneiros now sports 4/4/5 layout instead of 4/5/4, and its powergrid has been boosted from 850 to 1050 MW. All logis had their warp speed slightly boosted, from 3.00 to 3.75 AU/s
The fitting window also received a further overhaul: it used to display defenses (tank HP/s, EHP). Now it also shows the DPS, so no external tools are needed to calculate fitting effectiveness. Fitting screen has also been reorganized a little to emphasize on important information, such as cap stability, DPS, tank stats.
The Customs office is now a player constructable object, with the Customs Office Gantry, which is build off BPC’s bought by CONCORD and Faction Warfare loyalty points. After the Gantry has been sucessfully anchored in orbit, further materials are required to upgrade it to a full blown Customs Office. The owning corporation is able to set their own tax (within some limits), so this can be a great source of passive income. The new Customs Office can now also be destroyed, so players can finally actively compete around the PI. As a side note, low-sec Customs are still present, even though the dev-blog mentioned their removal. They already do have a corp ticker however (it shows CONCORD at the moment).
At last, all the racial CQ’s are now there, but ship spinning UI has been made the default view, and the big, ugly CQ/spin button has been removed. If you ever choose to switch to the CQ interface, just right click your ship and choose “To Captain’s Quarters“. To go back to spinning, a new option has been added to the ship context menu – just hover the mouse above your ship holo and click on the “Enter Ship Hangar” label.
Hybrid turrets and gallente ships rebalancing is still not yet there, neither are the new Battlecruisers. We will probably have to wait a little bit longer for that.
PS. Dear CCP: Why does an iPad game still have a better looking jump animation than EVE?
CCP Tallest has released a dev-blog about planned changes to hybrid guns and gallente ships. As far as I like the proposed changes to hybrid turrets, boosting all ships speed/agility is not really a good idea. But first, let’s have a look at the hybrid guns boost:
Lowering CPU requirements, making hybrid guns easier to fit
XL Turrets: -5 CPU
L Turrets: -3 CPU
M Turrets: -2 CPU
S Turrets: -1 CPU
75mm Railguns will not be changed – they have already very low CPU requirements
Reducing PG requirements, making hybrid guns easier to fit
All hybrid turrets: -12% Powergrid usage
Light Electron Blasters, Light Ion Blasters, 125mm Railguns, 75mm Railguns will not be changed – their PG is already very low
Less Capacitor use
All hybrid turrets: -30% capacitor use
Tracking Speed Increase:
+20% to Blaster Tracking speed
XL Blasters are already in line with other XL guns, so they will not receive any tracking speed boost.
+10% to Railgun Damage modifier
XL Railguns are already in line with other XL guns, so they will not receive any damage boost.
The above was expected to be honest. Amarr and lasers got a boost back in 2008, when Gallente and hybrids should have been boosted as well. Hybrids will now be easier to fit (if only that &#^&$% ship had more PG, I could put some Rolled Tungsten on), will have better tracking (2fast4you… to track), and Railguns will finally pack quite a punch.
What I don’t feel necessary is the ship speed boost proposed in the second part of the blog. Gallente ships are already pretty fast, and there is no reason to bring them in line with minmatar ships. Amarr boats are rather slow, shouldn’t their speed be boosted as well? One of the possible byproducts of boosting I see is better speedtank on an Ishtar for example, while the decreased inertia modifier will also affect align times besides the ability to orbit the target at a very tight range. I would only change speed and inertia modifier on dedicated blasterboats, leaving all the other Gallente ships the way they are.
It seems that Hilmar keeps his word. He promised the playerbase new internet spaceships, so there will be new internet spaceships. Last week the Minmatar Tornado has been announced – a Tier-3 battlecruiser capable of using battleship-sized turrets. Battlecruisers were supposed to fill the gap between cruisers and battleships, and this new breed of BC’s seems to fit between battlecruisers and battleships. With the coming hybrid rebalancing Talos will be most likely a deadly short range blaster boat, sporting Neutron Blaster Cannon II’s.
The Talos has been nicknamed the king of in-your-face-glass-cannons: if one would compare a fleet to a human body, this ship would be its right fist. Bringing together the speed and agility of battlecruiser class with the firepower of a Megathron will make a very interesting twist.
This new Gallente battlecruiser is based on yet another player creation: the Seraphim. CCP however claims that the name “Talos” fits better (Talos was a bronze giant who guarded the island of Crete in the greek mythology).
I will not buy this ship on day one. Instead, I will buy the BPO!
Most players in EVE Online sooner or later learn about leadership bonuses and why they are important. These very training-time-intensive skills are not to be underestimated: a Fleet Commander with good leadership skills can easily turn the tides in any engagement. In EVE 5% is a lot, and can mean the difference between life and death. In a maxed out configuration a skilled Armored Warfare Specialist can dish out a mind-boggling 25,88% reduction to armor repairers duration and capacitor usage, not to mention a similar bonus to armor resists – just as if you had one more EANM II in low slots.
It takes a lot to admit ones mistakes, and to do it in public takes much, much more. I deeply respect that, and I don’t know many people with enough courage to do such thing.
Some will say ‘bullshit, it’s just words’. I tell you, it’s no bullshit. Hilmar Veigar is a real person, a public figure. A respected CEO of big, international gaming company. He can’t give his customers bullshit, or else he is out of business. Simple as that.
Some will say ‘it’s long overdue’. I tell you it’s not. Community needed to calm down first. The knowledge of human psychology is very important, even though we are not consciuously aware of it. If this letter was published during the ‘monoclegate’, many players would discard it immediately without even reading it. Moreover, CCP has acted before they spoke, which backs up what Hilmar says in his letter.
Some will say it’s just PR. So what I say? What difference does it make if this is PR or a personal letter from a businessman to his customers, as long as things get done? I keep my fingers crossed for Hilmar and the CCP.
Second part of the letter points to another dev-blog by Arnar Hrafn aka CCP Zulu. The amount of work to be done is quite extensive, but more less sums up the things that most players asked for:
Hybrid weapons balancing /signed, /signed and triple /signed
as a true Gallente pilot I can’t say otherwise.
Factional warfare
Assault ships
Capital ship balancing /signed
New T2 modules
Starbase logistics management
New EWAR-Drones
T2 Rigs manufacturing
Additionally, the list contains four features already mentioned last friday:
Ship spinning aka pre-incarna Hangar interface
New font
More captains quarters
Time dilation
And yes, Hilmar also said new ships are coming – more spaceships is probably one of the best news for internet spaceships.
Dear Hilmar,
I really respect you sir, for what you did and said today. I have been watching EVE grow for the past 6 years, and when new CQs and ship spinning were announced on 30th of September I have regained my hopes for EVE. Your words today have reinforced this feeling. I felt it back in 2005 when I started playing EVE: being excited about EVE and unable to wait for what’s coming.
I wish you and your company all the best. Keep up the good work!