Feedback on Incarna’s CQ

Feedback on Incarna’s CQ

Dear CCP PLEASE make CQ optional. Station spinning environment already exists, so it costs no additional development. No cost – more happy customers, a win-win situation.

CQ is great to have on high end computers, and I will definitely use this when playing at home. Unfortunately, sometimes I have to do some HALF-AFK style tasks, and I do it from a laptop I can’t replace (as it is not mine in the first place). CQ is quite demanding on my home computer, so I think this laptop will probably die the moment I log on with CQ on.

Feedback on the early CQ build on Duality:

  • Market – if PI can be managed from CQ, Market should, too. It would mean some pilots are going to spend 99% of their time in front of this.
  • Fitting – a holo-interface (re-use of current ship models, just give them ghostly holo-textures) and some nice 3D interface to fit modules would really rock! Please keep the old fitting windows for in-space/in-hangar-no-cq fitting. Maybe wrap the current fitting window around a holographic projection of the ship in CQ?
  • Movement – please add middle mouse/both buttons as a shortcut for walking. Most known MMOs have this, and it’s VERY convenient when moving around. Also characters seem to have trouble walking down stairs and move around between furntiure. Just make the collision model a bit smaller, that should fix it.

Also, there is a lot unfinished things (missing textures, poor performance, stuttering animation) – I will wait with my opinion until a more complete build is available for testing.


You can also read what other players think about CQ in this post.

Captains Quarters test on Duality

Captains Quarters test on Duality

Incarna is slowly taking shape.

First Incarna tests: April 20-25th on Duality test server

CCP has released information about Captains Quarters test on the Duality server, which is beginning this afternoon (an update to original dev-blog mentions start on April 20th at 12:30 UTC; tests will end on April 25th). Players who log on to the Duality test server during this period will have the possibility to firsthand experience Minmatar Captains Quarters. Other races are said to follow, but will not be available in this first test.

Along with the new in-station environment players will have the ability to check how the tutorials and new player experience has been changed. To participate in this test, it is necessary to create a new Amarr character who is a member of the Royal Amarr Institute school (it can be selected on the last page of character customization)

As mentioned earlier, Incarna is not going to be just an eye-candy; it will be an immersive 3D interface for EVE Online. In the test build players will be able to access this new in-character interface to:

  • Planetary Interaction
  • Corporation management/recruitment
  • Character re-customization
  • Ship fitting

Devs also remind that this is a work in progress rather than a final product, so players still have influence at this point, and are encouraged to send feedback. Two chat channels will be created for the test:

  • “CQ Info” will be moderated and for instructions and information from CCP only.
  • “CQ Testing” will be for discussion, questions, comments, etc.

All bugs should be reported according to this evelopedia article about bug reporting.

First Incarna screenshots:

More EVE splash screens!

More EVE splash screens!

Somewhere in 2006 I have started collecting EVE Online splash screens from every release of EVE that I could lay my hands on. These splash bitmaps are usually located in the /res/ subdirectory in the main EVE folder. My collection has quickly grown, and at some point I have decided to share – you can see it here: EVE Online splash screens.

While digging through some old posts on the EVE Online forum I have found a missing splash screen from EVE Second Genesis, and added it to my growing collection. If you have more missing EVE Online splash screens please write a comment! I will contact you. I am looking for splash screens from EVE releases between 2003 and 2005, namely Exodus and Castor. Read more

EVE Online: Forever

EVE Online: Forever

With the Fanfest 2011 behind us, we (the EVE community that is) have learned a few new things about the future of our favourite MMO (or MMOs, because EVE is going to be closely tied to DUST 514).

First off – there will be walking in stations. Not just Captain Quarters (coming in EVE: Incarna this summer, which I have described in this post). A whole lot of new features is coming, involving your persona rather than your spaceship: ability to freely move around stations and to interact with other players. You will also see the space outside the station. Don’t believe me? You don’t have to (seeing is believing so click the picture for YouTube movie):

EVE: A Future Vision
EVE: A Future Vision

Read more

Sleeper wallpaper (1080p)

Sleeper wallpaper (1080p)

A few days ago I was playing EVE and was really bored. So as usual, to break the routine, I did something unusual. I looked for a wormhole and felt like coming through. So I have stumbled upon this wonderful place and immediately thought this is going to be one hell of a wallpaper. So here it is, I hope you like it, too.

Sleeper Wallpaper
Sleeper Wallpaper (right click » save target as)



What is it?

So you have played EVE Online for a while and you ask “what is this whole COSMOS thing?” – rest assured – the answers are coming. No, COSMOS is not just the former name of EVE Gate. COSMOS is a long forgotten PVE content, which was supposed to bring the ability to indulge in the storyline of New Eden. There is some similarity between COSMOS and storyline missions, but there are also differences. If you have ever run missions in EVE (I bet you tried that, at least for a while) you most likely know, that every 15 missions you get a Storyline mission offer, which gives you a standing bonus to the whole faction when completed (not just to a single corporation, like normal missions do). There goes the similarities to COSMOS, because COSMOS missions always give you faction standing increase, besides normal corporation stand bonus. What is different however, is the availability of COSMOS missions. Everyone who meets the standing requirement of a COSMOS agent can attempt doing these missions. Read more