A little Panzer Orca that could…

Some time ago I saw this sad video on Twitch TV

(Scroll to 1:48 to see the action, otherwise bear with ice mining for nearly 2 minutes)

Watch live video from x3aro on TwitchTV

Ganking is of course part of the game, and CCP is unlikely to do anything about it. Why? If ships are not blown up, nobody would buy new ships to replace them, and mineral prices would plummet quickly. I’m sure that would make miners way more sorry than ganking.

So, can an Orca survive a gank? Can Orca make it harder for the gankers?

When fitting a ship in EVE one always has a choice: more DPS, more tank or more mining laser output. Ships have limited number of slots, so they cannot be fit to excell at everything. As a high-sec miner, one would immediately assume that he should fit for mining laser output, whereas Orca pilot would fit to expand the cargohold as much as possible. Why would they fit any tank if they don’t anticipate any combat?

See, the problem is that even if miners don’t intend to fight, someone else might want to fight them. When fitting Orcas and mining ships, the real question should be:

Is the extra cargo space/mining output worth losing Orcas and Hulks? Does the margin gained by fitting 100% towards mining output or cargo capacity cover the losses? If your answer to this question is “yes, my profit margins are so great that I don’t care about losing a few Orcas”, then go ahead, fit for cargo space, and stop reading right here. However if the margins over untanked ships don’t come close to the price of your Orca, read on.

What I should do to make my Orca harder to gank?

– Fit a Panzer Orca of course:


tanky-fittingWhile this fitting won’t prevent a gank from happening, it forces the gankers to use five time as many ships to perform the gank (cargo expanded Orca only has 64,8k EHP, because Cargo Expanders and Cargo Rigs reduce hull and armor respectively). Unless someone is really determined to gank your Panzer Orca (which, knowing James315 is of course entirely possible), gankers will most likely ignore it and look for an easier target.

282k EHP with base Tech II fitting, Tech I rigs and Shield Harmonizing link II. This fit can be further improved by using Tech II rigs and deadspace mods, but the latter would again encourage the gank, so I don’t really recommend it, but yes, it’s doable.

  • Adding Tech II rigs will increase the EHP to 294k
  • Adding A-Type Invulns and X-Type EM/Therm hardeners will further increase EHP to 363,000
  • With Estamel’s hardeners, the EHP reaches mind-blowing 380,000, but 2 billion worth of officer modules will more than likely encourage the gankers to kill the ship for loot.

Granted, Panzer Orca pilot will have to warp back to station much more often, but as I said, that’s the choice:

  • excell at cargo and add lost ships into running costs,


  • have less cargo, but reduce probability of losing the ship by a substantial margin.

There is one more advantage to this fit: it increases EHP of all barges and exhumers in the fleet. It works as if they had one more Tech I Invulnerability Field. Pretty neat, eh?

Is there anything else I could do?

Of course there is! First off, watch local. While it was not initially intended to be an intel tool, it has quickly become one and you should make the best possible use of it. If local is at lets say 15 pilots, and then out of a sudden a ship warps to your belt and local jumps to 30, this is a sign of incoming danger. I would warp out if I were you, just in case. Better safe than sorry!

Every player in EVE who did any PVP is also very familiar to the directional scanner. It’s basically a magic radar that tells you what ships and other items are in space in a given range and angle from your ship. If you have ever mined or missioned in low sec you have most likely used it as well. Yes, you have to actively scan every x seconds, and if you see a group of ships like Tornado, Brutix, Catalysts or Thrashers showing up on radar all at once, it’s better to warp out.

You can keep an align to a station or celestial, but this means your ship will be moving. Depending on how you mine, this might be a serious disadvantage. What does it do? It allows for a very quick warp out in case of danger – just hit WARP and you will be on your way.


Always anticipate PVP in EVE. Fit tank on your Orcas, fly tanky Skiffs for mining. Take the game mechanics available to you in your hands and play them to your advantage!

By using the fit above you agree that author of this post will not be held responsible if you lost your Orca despite fitting Panzer Orca fit. Sufficiently determined group of pilots will always be able to gank any ship in high sec, including famous Chribba’s Veldnaught. It’s only a matter of determination and amount of combat ships involved.

My Fedo… my little Fedo!

fedo_bigIf you were lucky (or unlucky depending on the perspective) to get a Fedo instead of other Yule Lad gifts, you probably wonder what to do with it? Well, the sad part is… you can either keep it, or trade it, because it doesn’t do anything else. But what if it COULD do something else?

I got two Fedos, and I came up with an idea. I left my Fedos in the same hangar overnight, hoping they would breed. When I got back the next day, except for the foul smell, I found the same two Fedos I put there earlier.

What if Fedos actually did that? Wouldn’t it be fun if there was Easter Eggs in EVE like that?

Some other ideas:

  • make it a deployable. Once you deploy Fedo in space it will attach to your ships hull and will happily rove on it. Just don’t keep it in space for too long or it dies!
  • make it “a furniture” in CQ – if you have a Fedo in your hangar, it automatically appears in CQ as a 3D model. It would eat the leftover dinner and quafe cans
  • let Fedos breed! If there is more than one in a hangar, there is a chance that more will spawn over time.

EVE already has easter eggs!Yes, after 8 years of playing I know EVE is about blowing up spaceships (preferably not your own), but there’s nothing wrong in a bit of fun here and there. Especially if it is just a few days of development time for one programmer and one 3d artist (and one or two testers). Fedo is just one example, but I wouldn’t say no to a nice 3D Villard Wheel in my CQ. I would finally have a reason to enable the CQ mode at all 😉

There’s plenty easter eggs in the game already (just have a look at the monolith on the left). Not to mention Magic Crystall Ball, A Big Red Button, Scotty the Docking Manager’s Clone or Band of Brothers Director Access Key.

More reading:

Yule Lads are back! Celebrate EVE Holiday season 2013

If you logged on to Account Management page yesterday, you would have noticed a brand new Advent Calendar with Yule Lads!

yule-ladsEach day starting December 12th a new gift will be unlocked – simply click the number next to one of the Yule Lads. Each of them will bring you a few items – some of which are guaranteed, and some are completely random. Some players complain that the holiday gifts in EVE are more less worthless, but imho it’s not the point. Last years Festival Launchers, Snowballs and Fireworks were great fun, even if their market value was just a couple million ISK. Speaking of useful gifts, the Gnosis, which was given away for free for the 10th year anniversary, makes a great PVE and PVP ship.

I don’t won’t to spoil the surprise, so I will not tell you what today’s gift is. Will there be any ships to be given away this year? I hope so, because I have recently found a speedy Leopard shuttle in the Crystal Ball Static Data Dump, and I would be more than happy to give it a speedy spin! Let the gift hunting season begin!

Grab your gifts here

I don’t care about surprises, show me what gifts can I get!

Sisters of EVE Battleship announced: please welcome the ‘Nestor’

Yesterday afternoon CCP Rise has posted the proposed stats for the SoE battleship, the Nestor. For those who expected the first Covert Ops battleship: sorry, not this time. The rumors about Clone Vat Bay turned out to be false as well. The ship has some other traits though, most noticeably its mass, which is about 56% of other Battleships mass. It also has the exploration and hacking bonuses that its smaller siblings have. The initial review is “hmmm… that’s interesting, but…”

Let’s have a look at the tables first

3D webgl preview

Role bonus:

50% bonus to remote repair amount

100% bonus to remote repair range

50% bonus to large energy turret optimal range

50% increased strength for scan probes

+10 virus strength for relic and data analyzers

Amarr Battleship Bonuses:

4% Armor resistances per level

Gallente Battleship Bonuses:

10% drone damage and hitpoints per level

Slot layout: 7/6/6
5 turrets, 0 launcher
Fittings: 11250MW, 680tf
Shields: 8900
Armor: 9950
Hull: 9900
Capacitor: 6200
Cap Recharge: 1044
Max Velocity: 92 m/s
Drone bandwidth: 125
Drone bay: 500
Targeting range: 75 km
Scan Resolution: 85
Max Locked targets: 7
Sensor strength: 24
Signature radius: 465
Cargo capacity: 700

As you can see, it has quite a set of bonuses. We’ve got armor resists, we’ve got drones HP and DPS, we’ve got exploration and hacking and instead of Covert Ops cloak expected by some players, we’ve got 50% to remote armor rep amount. With 4 Large remote reps and 3 cap transfers, Nestor would dwarf Guardian and Oneiros. But there is one issue: Large Remote Armor Reps have slightly over 8km range. Question that is currently open is: will it be better to drop the 50% rep amount bonus for a 100% rep range bonus? Or should it have both? This question is a tough one to answer, because with both bonuses this ship would be seriously overpowered, and better specialized at remote reps than dedicated ship class (Logistics). On the other hand, in it’s current iteration it would be rather vulnerable to bombs.

UPDATE: CCP Rise added 100% remote armor rep bonus. Is this the first ship with 5 role bonuses?

Nestor’s stats also make it a decent PVE boat, rather similar to the Rattlesnake (but the latter can be 100% passively shield tanked). It also seems at least partially useful for Incursions, where crazy remote reps and high resists would be very useful (but to be honest I don’t know if Incursion doctrine is still all around shields, as it used to be when I last played with them. Can anyone shed some light on the current state of affairs?).

It’s going to be expensive

Now let’s have a look at the LP store price tag. It won’t be cheap I’m afraid:

Item Sisters of EVE (hi-sec) The Sanctuary (0.0)
LP cost ISK cost LP cost ISK cost

Nestor BPC (1 run)
Nestor BPC (1 run)
600,000 LP 150,000,000 ISK 400,000 LP 100,000,000 ISK

Nestor pre-built
Nestor pre-built
1,000,000 LP 100,000,000 ISK 800,000 LP 80,000,000 ISK

If we assumed the LP rate for SoE loyalty points at 1,000 ISK / LP (typical exchange ratio), the blueprint-made version would cost around 985M isk, and the pre-built one would be 1,100M (rather cost-ineffective). But that is a very optiomistic scenario. For example, Stratios currently sells for 435M ISK, and takes 120,000LP, 30M ISK and 10M in minerals to produce. That leaves us with 120,000LP = 395M ISK equation, which brings the SoE LP ratio close to 3,291 ISK / LP. Nestor’s initial prices will be counted in billions for sure.


nestor-02  nestor-05 nestor-showinfo-traits nestor-showinfo-description

More reading:

Leopard, a Speedy Gonzales variation of Minmatar shuttle

I spent some time today browsing the Static Data Dump (aka Crystal Ball). I was looking for clues about Nestor, the Sisters of EVE unique battleship (CCP has shown two images of it on their Facebook profile).

I found something else entirely:

Leopard-shuttleLooks like a Minmatar Shuttle, right? Well, yeah, almost. It’s slightly darker, but apart from that, it looks just like a regular shuttle.

Description does not shed much light either:

Rumor has it the Leopard originated as a secret project in the Minmatar Republic. In their endless battle against enslavement by the Amarr Empire, the Minmatar have had to develop ways not only to liberate large masses of their people, but also to sneak in and capture individuals of high strategic importance.

These kinds of black ops search-and-rescue missions might be executed for key people who were held by the enemy and possessed either special qualities the resistance needed, or information the Republic couldn’t afford having tortured out of them. It’s notable that these individuals might not all have been Minmatar, and that the resistance movement is unlikely to have restrained itself from using the same methods on key Amarr people they’d captured with the help of the Leopard.

It is an extremely fast ship, meant for quick and stealthy getaways, and while its origins are covered in rumors, chances are the Minmatar leaked it to the capsuleers in order to curry favor with them.

Still following me? At this point I thought there is nothing special about this ship, besides it’s darker skin. And then I looked at the statistics, and I was literally blown away:

Ship warp speed: 20.00 AU/s


Damn, that thing is lightning fast! Tech II rigged interceptors (w/o implants) can reach 12,5 AU/s top speed, and this incredibly fast already. This shuttle is still another 50% faster!

I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely want one!

More reading:

The Sanctuary has reached a breakthrough

This post is a fan-fic lore oriented article written from in-character perspective ((IC)).

Last week the scientific community of New Eden cluster has been surprised by the uncommon design of newly unveiled, capsule-fitted ships designed by The Sanctuary (Sisters of EVE), which allows said ships to enter faster-than-light speeds while cloaked, without the need for sophisticated quantum computer hardware.

Crielere Cloaking technology vs. warp drives

Classic Sotiyo-Urbaata based warp drive uses two polar dishes inside of the ship’s warp core to compress the vacuum and create a depleted vacuum bubble around the vessel. This is the simplest and most efficient design, and is used by all starships currently in operation, both capsule fitted or not. Hundreds of years have proven this is the best possible approach, because:

  1. Warp core is hid deep inside the ship, making it well shielded from damage and unwanted interference
  2. Placing the warp core in the geometric center of the ship allows creation of the smallest possible depleted vacuum bubble, which makes it energy efficient.

Graviton Pulse GeneratorEngineers at Project Crielere have proven, that this warp drive design creates too much interference for cloaking devices to operate properly at FTL speeds. First stealth generators used meta-materials to make the ship invisible in a specific band of electromagnetic spectrum (usually infrared or visible light). The ship was however still visible in other EM bands, for example microwave or gamma. Historically the second and currently used approach relies on a series of graviton pulse generators in order to create a gravity lens around the ship. This causes all electromagnetic radiation to be bent around the vessel, making it undetectable in any and all EM bands. The effect of the lens also shields the ship emissions by containing them inside the graviton bubble (using complete internal reflection). In order to keep the graviton generators synchronised and create a stable lens around the ship, ship’s computer must calculate the model of the gravity lens in real time. While the model is rather simple when the ship is stationary, it becomes increasingly difficult when the vessel begins to move. All matter that comes through the graviton bubble, including space dust and the ship thruster emissions causes unwanted interference, which ship’s computer needs to take into account when calculating the bubble model. However, when the ship enters the depleted vacuum bubble,  the equations in the model change in an non-linear way, making it impossible for classic and photonic electronics to provide a solution.

Quantum MicroprocessorEngineers at Project Crielere eventually came up with an elegant quantum algorithm that can still provide a solution at FTL speeds, but it means a quantum computer hardware is required to solve the equations. This specialized hardware has been successfully installed into several classes of ships, including Recon cruisers and Blockade Runner industrials, but is generally unsuitable for most vessels, because it requires substantial customization. It also makes it nearly impossible to use on bigger ships, such as Black Ops battleships.

The Sanctuary has reached a technological breakthrough

Stratios CruiserBy moving the warp drive polar dishes outside of the hull into a circular ring-like structure, Sanctuary engineers have removed the effect of depleted vacuum from the graviton bubble equations, making it possible to be calculated without specialized hardware. It is still unknown how exactly this circular structure actually creates depleted vacuum, because the electronics which does all the calculations is protected by advanced tamper-proof chips. Sisters of EVE also forbid the owners from tampering with the technology, voiding the warranty if external tampering is detected, and stating it that using the drive after it was modified will cause fatal injuries to those on board. I however believe it is only a matter of time until some intrepid hacker jailbreaks the electronic systems in the ring polar dishes, and reverse engineers the mathematics that make it work. This lets me believe that by applying this technology to a battleship-class hull could allow even the biggest of vessels to use cloaking technology at FTL speeds. It opens the possibility for The Sanctuary to develop a covert battleship vessel as well, which is currently unconfirmed, but theoretically possible.

One of the downsides of The Sanctuary approach is that the use of a quantum computer would also allow a rapid restart of a cloaking device, which is currently impossible with classic electronics. It means that the Sisters ships are forced to go through a complete startup procedure of a cloaking device, which takes up to 30 seconds, rendering the ship vulnerable during that period.

More reading:

Lukas Rox is a veteran capsuleer with PhD in Graviton Physics, currently working in Aideron Technologies as a Director, also an Expert in Cloaking Technology and a GalNet Software Architect.
More information is available in the CONCORD dossier.

How to revert a broken Launcher update

Today’s patch is going smoothly – at least on CCP side. For players the first available Windows version of EVE Lanucher build was broken (probably missing some files). If your launcher update failed, and you can’t start it now, getting this message instead:


Don’t worry, there is a simple fix:

  1. Go to your EVE folder, enter “launcher” directory.
  2. Once there, you’ll find “launcher.exe” and “launcher.old.exe”
  3. Remove launcher.exe
  4. Rename launcher.old.exe to launcher.exe
  5. Then go to “appdata” directory.
  6. Remove “EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.643940.win32”
  7. Keep the “EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.613956.win32” one

Now don’t run the update again until CCP fixes the Launcher. Patiently watch #tweetfleet for an update from CCP_Goliath or other CCPers.

UPDATE: the Windows Launcher has been fixed. It’s safe to update now!

Mac users will be happy to know their version works just fine.

More reading:

Giveaway winners announced!

Three weeks ago my site has hit another visit milestone, and I’ve started this giveaway to celebrate with you!

Today Rubicon goes live on Tranquility, but three pilots will have one more reason to be happy 😉

The winners are

*** FANFARE ***

Maximus Aerelius

1st prize – Megathron Navy Issue

1st_767215551_1024 navy-mega


2nd prize – Rattlesnake

2nd_1191844552_1024 rattlesnake


3rd prize – Sacrilege

3rd_1972446352_1024 sacrilege


Contracts will be up shortly. Thank you everyone for taking part in the giveaway!

tickets | chribba dice ]

Rubicon 1.0 Static Data Dump conversions available


This post is entirely for the #DevFleet out there. CCP have outdone themselves by publishing static data dump for a new expansion 4 days before actually deploying it on Tranqulity! It was already available on the Toolkit page last friday.

It means that we – the third party developers – had even more time to convert and adapt the data to our projects. Unfortunately it was not so easy to convert the data this time. As most of you know, CCP has recently switched from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2012, which means the official Static Data Dump has now SQL Server’s 2012 media format. To make the ride even more rough, SQL Server 2012 only runs on Windows Vista and above, and Windows Server 2008 R2 and above. In order to make my development VM compatible with the new Static Data Dump, I had to set up a clean new VM with Windows Server 2008 R2 and the new database version. Fortunately it is possible to do all that legally, because Windows Server 2008 R2 is available as a 180 day trial (which can then be rearmed twice to extend the trial even further), and you can use the Express version of SQL Server without paying a dime.

Now the results!

SQL Server -> MySQL & SQLite:


YAML Certificates schema
YAML Certificates schema

I have also updated the LMeve Database to use this new dump, feel free to have a look.

Type Icons

CCP has only published a data dump, with icons and renders (probably) coming soon. Don’t worry, I have prepared a “delta” Rubicon icon pack. Simply copy it on top of your existing Odyssey icons:

Icons and renders have now been updated by CCP. Go to the Toolkit page to fetch it.


If you find any issues with these dumps, please let me know. This is the first dump from SQL Server 2012, so it is possible some things can be different either in schema or in the data itself. LMeve works just fine, but that’s just me.


What to build in Rubicon? [UPDATE]

If you play an industrialist in EVE and await Rubicon eagerly, here is a short list of what new things will be available to be built in the upcoming Winter Expansion. Make sure to prepare the materials ahead of time, and schedule a rush for the blueprints on the 19th!

Why is it worth to join the rush? Because countless expansions before have shown that people are willing to pay extra just to be one of the first players to use/access new features. Rubicon brings several manufacturable items, and each of them is a chance for a potential quick buck.

UPDATE: Added estimated manufacturing costs for each item.

UPDATE: It seems the sudden demand for some PI components has made their price skyrocket. I have updated the material lists (they changed from Singularity a little bit) and the estimated costs. As you can see, Cynosural Inhibitor manufacturing price has already doubled!

Mobile Depot

mobile-depot-bpoOne of the first steps towards space colonization, and the only one that will have a reinforcement timer, Mobile Depot is the cheapest one to build. According to the Rubicon Patch Notes, the BPO will only cost 1,000,000 ISK and will be available from any of the four Empire factions.

Extra Material Quantity dmg per job
Smartfab Units 3 100%
Nuclear Reactors 1 100%
Guidance Systems 3 100%
High-Tech Transmitters 1 100%
Material Quantity
Tritanium 5500 (perfect: 5000)
Pyerite 220 (perfect: 200)
Zydrine 220 (perfect: 200)

As you can see, the materials list contains both minerals and PI components, and it should be realtively cheap to build.

Estimated manufacturing cost: 1,053,898.46 ISK

Mobile Tractor Unit

tractor-unit-bpoThis one will have a bit more expensive blueprint than the Depot – BPO will cost 30,000,000 ISK. Just like the previous one it will be seeded by the four major Empire factions.

Extra Material Quantity dmg per job
Organic Mortar Applicators 2 100%
Wetware Mainframe 1 100%
Ukomi Superconductors 2 100%
Small Tractor Beam I 1 100%
Material Quantity
Tritanium 11000 (perfect: 10000)
Pyerite 550 (perfect: 500)
Isogen 550 (perfect: 500)
Zydrine 550 (perfect: 500)

Estimated manufacturing cost: 12,500,442.59 ISK

Small Mobile Siphon Unit

siphon-bpoMobile Siphon Unit, the most controversial deployable introduced in Rubicon has a BPO that costs 100,000,000 ISK. Just like the previous two, it will be available in Empire space.

Extra Material Quantity dmg per job
Guidance Systems 100 100%
Miniature Electronics 100 100%
Data Chips 12 100%
Material Quantity
Tritanium 236425 (perfect: 214932)
Pyerite 34181 (perfect: 31074)
Mexallon 20747 (perfect: 18861)
Isogen 6545 (perfect: 5950)
Nocxium 1900 (perfect: 1727)
Zydrine 624 (perfect: 567)
Megacyte 189 (perfect: 172)

While the material list simply consists of Minerals, to build a Siphon Unit your character will need to have some Tech II related skills trained, namely Electronic Engineering 4 and Graviton Physics 4.

Estimated manufacturing cost: 12,715,469.64 ISK

Mobile Cynosural Inhibitor

cyno-inhibitor-bpoThis one will be a bit tricky to get. Not only the BPO costs 150,000,000 ISK, but it will only be seeded in nullsec regions! But with the changes to interceptors (namely their bubble immunity) getting these blueprints should not pose any problems.

Extra Material Quantity dmg per job
Broadcast Node 4 100%
Organic Mortar Applicators 8 100%
Self-Harmonizing Power Core 2 100%
Sterile Conduits 4 100%
Wetware Mainframe 2 100%
Guidance Systems 20 100%
Material Quantity
Tritanium 275000 (perfect: 250000)
Pyerite 11000 (perfect: 10000)
Isogen 5500 (perfect: 5000)
Zydrine 5500 (perfect: 5000)
Megacyte 550 (perfect: 500)

Estimated manufacturing cost: 61,843,391.28 ISK

Bastion Module I

bastion-module-bpoThe blueprint will cost 50,000,000 ISK and will be available on the market (CCP did not specifically say “in Empire”, but that’s my educated guess). The module cannot be invented at the moment (only Tech I version will be available).

Material Quantity
Tritanium 385000 (perfect: 350000)
Pyerite 82500 (perfect: 75000)
Mexallon 33000 (perfect: 30000)
Isogen 5500 (perfect: 5000)
Nocxium 1100 (perfect: 1000)
Zydrine 220 (perfect: 200)
Megacyte 110 (perfect: 100)

Estimated manufacturing cost: 6,089,465.80 ISK

Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I

rapid-hml-bpoPatch notes don’t say anything about the availability of the BPO, but I again guess it will be empire space (so it is consistent with other missile launcher BPOs). Blueprint price in Static Data Dump is 750K ISK. This one will have Tech II version, which means it will be inventable.

Material Quantity
Tritanium 105 (perfect: 95)
Pyerite 1155 (perfect: 1050)
Nocxium 8 (perfect: 7)
Zydrine 2 (perfect: 2)
Megacyte 10 (perfect: 9)

Estimated manufacturing cost: Tech I 36,342.49 ISK; Tech II (including invention) 1,759,950.43 ISK

Customs Office Gantries

While this is not a new structure, it’s use will spike in the first couple of days after Rubicon deployment. Also if you plan to bash some ICOs yourself, make sure to have Gantries already built and prepared. I’m pretty sure the land rush will lead to some funny events where someone will erect a ninja POCO after someone else had cleared the ICO. Just a thought 😉