Hearthstone Beta finally in Europe!

This morning my mailbox has greeted me with the following message (on the right):hearthstone

The Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft closed beta has been running in the US for quite a while already, and EU players got their beta invitation codes only recently. While I am not a big World of Warcraft fan (tried the game briefly in 2007 and 2009), I was waiting impatiently to try Hearthstone out, mainly because I enjoy card games a lot and because a card game from Blizzard will be an A-grade game. The company has also confirmed a tablet release coming after the PC version, which is a very good news for me. I’m on the move a lot, so I will play much more often on my tablet than on the PC.

I have played several other e-CCGs already, most notably:

  • MTG: DotP 2012-2014
  • M&M DoC
  • O&C Duels

This means I will be looking at Hearthstone from an already established perspective. You can expect an initial review coming in shortly 😉

EDIT: As promised, initial review can be found here.

Some Guy (formerly Poetic Stanziel) got his beta code recently as well. Make sure to read his initial thoughts about Hearthstone on his blog @NerdSoliloquy.

LMeve dev blog #2

A few months ago I’ve written a post about how the development of LMeve goes, and I feel it’s in order to write another one, because a lot of things have been changed and/or improved since that last post in May.

New Features

In the last post I have outlined what new features we want developed and why. Due to time restrictions I haven’t been able to implement everything from that list, but I have covered quite a sizeable amount.

lmeve-materials-drake First off, the complete materials list and production cost estimation. Every manufacturer in EVE wants to know which items have the best profit margin. Of course prices of resources fluctuate, so the production and pricing strategy has to be revised in regular intervals.

The material data comes from the Static Data Dump and is correctly affected by the ME level set in the fields seen above (in real time!). If user has the correct permissions, it is also possible to save the ME and PE in the database for future reference (why save it? for automatic kit building of course). Prices are being downloaded from eve-central.com using their own API.

lmeve-kitsSecondly, after one of our members put all the ME levels from our BPOs to the app (thanks!) it was possible to implement the Kit Builder. What is it? As you remember, every member has a list of tasks, that have to be completed within a given month. Each member has a bunch of labs assigned to them at one of our POSs, and has to refill them with materials to maintain the production lines busy. Previously everyone had an excel file with the amounts of materials needed to complete tasks for a given month. Excel. File. Why do we have to use Excel, if we already build tools for thisk kind of reference?

Each task has two buttons now: Full kit and Remainder kit respectively. What do they do? If you press the Full kit button, our app will display a list of materials required to make all the jobs under the selected task (enough for an entire month). The “Remainder kit” button will display the amount of materials required to finish the task (entire month minus what has already been done).

lmeve-tasks1Speaking of Tasks, another one of our members requested a feature that shows the jobs currently in progress (and when they finish). This let’s members know when they can log on to cycle their jobs. I think I might want to make two views of it, one summary view (aggregated by typeID and only display the time when the last item of that batch is finished). The current “complete” list of jobs in progress would become the second view.

lmeve-database-drakeNow something else entirely. Ever heard of CCP WebGL? Well, it’s a javascript framework that allows displaying 3D ships and other game assets on a webpage. It’s the same tech that can be seen in the Ship Viewer on the eveonline.com page. Well, I have incorporated it to our Database page. So when you’re away from EVE and would like to spin your ships – feel free to do so. Since the window is rather small, I have decided to give it a “fullscreen” button, for all the ship-spinning pleasure (pressing F11 to first make the browser go full screen makes it look even better).

lmeve-buy-calcIn the previous post I have also mentioned the Buy Calculator. We used to have a gdocs spreadsheet for that. What does it do? Aideron Technologies has a buyback program, which allows corp members to sell minerals, datacores and other materials to corp at Jita buy prices. Saves our corpies going to Jita to sell their goodies, and saves us the trip to buy the materials from Jita. A win-win scenario for everyone. It was only matter of time for the Buy Calc to arrive in LMeve as a web form. It’s worthe mentioning, that it behaves just like the gdocs did, only better. See, spreadsheets have this fun feature of selecting next cell when you press enter. It makes entering a lot of data quicker. Web forms don’t do this by default, so I had to write some javascript to make it behave like spreadsheets do. What gdocs was unable to do, was displaying a summary window that tells you exactly what to put it the in-game contract. Moreover, we save the pricings in the database, and then match it with in-game contracts. This way we don’t even have to manually verify all the prices in game – everything is done automatically! And it works in IGB, too.

Speaking of Market features, we now have a list of Market Orders, too. First, to see what is the best-seller item, secondly, to see which items have been already sold out and need to be produced to satisfy the demand. Unfortunately our market information is classified and there is no screen of this feature.

lmeve-timesheetPreviously I’ve mentioned that our corp members get paid for their hard work. Well, they do! But some players have more than one character involved in production, and would like to see how much they’ve earned in total on all their characters. A very nice feature request, and quite easy one to implement. The Timesheet module now shows the characters of the logged user on top of the table with a nice wrap-up with the sums for all characters owned. Also one of our members have got himself a new nickname: “The King of Alts”.

lmeve-graphs-2-apiHave you noticed the graph by the way? Well, a few Graphs have arrived in LMeve, too. First the one with corp production activity, that shows the number of jobs that have been installed on each day. Next one is the EVE API monitor. It shows how long it took for the poller to refresh all the API feeds. Since some feeds are refreshed less often than others, some poller cycles take longer, because more data needs to be downloaded (and then parsed into the DB). The last graph is the wallet activity, which shows us when goods have been sold (or materials bought).lmeve-graphs-1

The last feature is skins – the app is CSS skinable, and there is a distinct possibility that Aideron members can be very surprised that the screens here look very different to what they are used to. That’s because there are three skins two skins! One is very similar to Aideron Robotics (because our corp is a spin-off from AR), second skin, which looks very much like EVE Online forums (CSS isn’t a direct copy though, it’s only very similar colors). The last one is very simple, and can be considered “work safe”.

lmeve-skins3 lmeve-skins1 lmeve-skins2

The future

Whew! That was a productive five months there, not only because LMeve has several new features now, but because of the tool we were able to break our profit, turnover and production records every month!

There is still one big feature that needs to be coded (I didn’t have the time to do it yet) the Inventory. We have to track the materials and sub-products (like capital parts or Tech II parts). Inventory will show us how much of given type we have, and how much we need to produce (or buy) to keep the stocks full. Maintaining the smallest stocks, that allow uninterrupted production is one of the crucial logistic tasks for every corp. Every time we run out of materials and members can’t cycle their jobs is time when we don’t make profits.

The other ideas mentioned in the previous post are still in the queue to be implemented as well:

  • Industry Goals (similar to Tasks, but at the corp level). Ideally I would like to draw pretty production lines for Tech II and Capital items with all the intermediate products.
  • Linking characters to accounts using EVE API (currently admin has to link characters to account manually)
  • Simple character API reader to run background checks on prospective recruits.

PS. The app is in closed beta (Aideron Technologies only). Open Source release date is still to be determined.
PS.2 As of 23rd of Oct the Aideron skin has been removed and will be no longer available. A new skin will be created in it’s place.

Could games like Valkyrie be released on mobile?

New Eden is already expanding beyond the boundaries of EVE Online, and it’s a fact. Blog Banter #50 touched an important topic of the future of EVE, and expansion to mobile devices is only natural thing to happen. It can already be happening, but we just don’t know it yet…

EVE Valkyrie already has quite a history, even though the game itself haven’t been released yet. It all started as a technological demo for Oculus Rift virtual reality headset presented on Fanfest 2013. A small crew of CCP employees have used existing EVE Online assets, imported them to Unity3D engine and created “EVE VR”. Players who’ve tried it on Fanfest were so amazed, that the going question was “When can we have this?”

It only took a few months for CCP to come up with a business case for that demo, and on August the 21st CCP has confirmed that EVE VR will be released as a full game in 2014. The name “EVE VR” was also extended into “EVE Valkyrie”. The remaining question, deliberately not answered by the devs is what platforms will this game run on.

Some players have already tried answering that question. It’s not a secret that CCP cooperates heavily with Sony, so the first rumour was that Valkyrie might come to PS4 – you can read the entire Abaddon21’s post here.

Recently something else came to my attention. Some time ago toucharcade.com has published this story about CCP planning a mobile release. We’ve already heard of DUST514 companion app called “Neocom” scheduled for release on Playstation Vita, but from the story above we can guess that there is possibly more mobile apps to come from CCP.

Could Valkyrie possibly be one of those apps?

To answer this question, first we need to answer another one: if it’s technically feasible at all.

There’s still very little we know about EVE Valkyrie, but let’s have a look at what we know already:

  • it will be a FPS dogfighter game,
  • it will work on Oculus Rift virtual reality headset,
  • it was created using Unity 3D engine
    • which has a version for 10 platforms, including PC, Mac, Linux, Windows Phone, iOS and Android

But can mobile hardware handle it?

Okay, so Unity 3D is ready and available. But can mobile devices handle a game with visuals like that?

  • First, there is Galaxy on Fire II, which is nothing but an FPS dogfighting shooter for iOS and Android:

20131018-144135.jpg 20131018-144224.jpg Galaxy on Fire 2 HD jump animation Fishlabs-Galaxy-on-Fire-2-Supernova-Stealth-Fighter

  • The same studio (Fishlabs) is now developing another game known as “Galaxy on Fire: Alliances” which is about planet colonization. Gameplay loosely reminds of Planetary Interaction in EVE Online:

20131018-144241.jpg 20131018-144253.jpg

Judging by the above screens, I’m pretty certain that Planetary Interaction could easily be made into a separate tablet game in the world of EVE.

  • Then we have a completely different game, but one that shows what kind of visuals tablets and mobile phones can already provide: Infinity Blade Trilogy

20131018-144302.jpg 20131018-144308.jpg 20111203-160002 20111203-155951

Ok, what about the software?

We’ve mentioned Unity3D, which is a multiplatform 3D game engine that can run on 10 different platforms. The very basic version, which includes mobile device support,  has the advantage of being free. There is already a bunch of games for Android and iOS made with Unity, for example Shadowgun or AngryBots. It’s also worth mentioning that there are some well-known PC games running on Unity, I’m sure you’ve heard of Hearthstone and  Kerbal Space Program? Games built with multi-platform engines can be easily ported to any supported platform without additional development (well, the resources sometimes have to be converted/resized, but that’s all). It’s worth mentioning that Unreal engine used by DUST514 also works on mobile devices (Infinity Blade I, II & III all run on this engine).

And then we have CREST, which is a new read-write API for EVE Online; one that is already used (in-house) by DUST-EVE integration. We could also mention some tech demos, for example the Alliance Tournament CREST endpoint, that provided live telemetry of Alliance Tournament ships. The amount of possibilities these kind of tools give is unprecedented. Not only we will have many new 3rd party apps for EVE and DUST, but it also opens a lot of opportunities for CCP themselves.

As you can see, both the technology and assets to make EVE-themed games for different platforms is already available.

Whether CCP acts based on the above facts or not, remains to be seen. Maybe Valkyrie will become a mobile game after all?

UPDATE: According to this interview with CCP Unifex on Crossing Zebras, EVE Valkyrie will not be coming to mobile devices:
Transcript begins at 7:55

Xander Phoena: So you are now currently leading the fledging Mobile division within CCP and the Valkyrie project. Which is taking most of your time at the moment? As one prioritized?

CCP_Unifex: Yeah absolutely, I mean, right now I’ve had the opportunity to work with Valkyrie so I’m spending the vast majority of my time doing that. And I had some good time, pretty much straight off the Fanfest where I was able to look at CCP strategy around mobile and got some good work done around that, and then Valkyrie kicked off […] But the intention is like I said I’m gonna be handing over, so that I can actually go focus on Mobile.

As you can see, Valkyrie and Mobile are two different projects within CCP. That doesn’t change most of the post below, because it’s about technical possibilities, rather than only about Valkyrie.

PS. Thanks @valkrr for the heads up!

A quick glimpse into the Crystal Ball

This post is a reply to the Blog Banter #50.

With the Rubicon expansion being announced and the SOMER Blink scandals (or non-scandals depending on your point of view) that have erupted on the community at the same time, it truly feels like an age of EVE has passed and a new one is dawning.

But which direction is it going? This blog banter can be about several different topics:
– where do you think EVE is going? Is it a good or bad vision ahead?
– if you were EVE’s new Executive Producer, where would you take the game?
– What comes (or should come) after Rubicon in terms of the mechanics and ship balancing we’ve seen? (CSM8 not allowed to answer this one!)
– Is there anything in EVE’s ten year past that should be resurrected? Or buried and forgotten?
– What is the future of the community? What should or should not change?

The Banter’s topic is actually a funny one, because I thoroughly enjoy speculating about the future of EVE. Let’s fetch the *Crystall Ball* (mind you, it’s probably useless without skill *Polaris* trained to V).

* /me gazes into the Crystall Ball *

Where do you think it’s going?

During Fanfest and then subsequently during Rubicon presentation CCP Seagull shown us a theme of exploration and space colonization. Remember the famous “Badgers” image? (Yes, I know some of them are Tayras actually)


I tell you what I saw in the crystall ball. I saw new space: space different from K-Space, and space different from Anoikis (also known as W-space). I saw the EVE gate open again. I saw abandoned planet on the other side of the EVE gate. I saw how legends of Earth come true as capsuleers explore the long forgotten point of humanity’s origin. I saw space without stargates and without local chat. But I also saw Badgers building stargates. I saw gate satellites that report gate activity to the holder of the system (did I mention there was no local chat?). I saw Sisters of EVE digging for Terran artifacts. I saw SoE battleships. I also saw capsuleers owning stations in high sec space and I saw capsuleers running station establishments. One of the barkeep names was strangely familiar, but at the same time out of place: the name was “Quark”… And then the image went all fuzzy and I saw nothing else.

Is it a good vision? I think it is. Back when EVE was still young, the space was often empty. It was out there to explore and for the taking. Even though there was no Exploration feature as we know it today, flying around 0.0 felt like exploring the unknown. You would rarely meet other people. It was even possible to find empty systems in high sec! Now we have almost fully colonized wormholes, we have exploration mechanic and… suddenly it does not feel unknown at all. There is no real notion to fly around and explore. There, see my TCU? This system is mine. But does colonization really mean simply sticking a flag? Or is it about building housing, mines, roads, farms and so on? Even if EVE gate remains as closed as ever, there is still so much we could do with the amount of empty space we have in EVE.

If you were EVE’s new Executive Producer?

Frankly, I’m quite happy that I’m not. This is a very an EXTREMELY responsible position. It takes loads of hard work to gain community’s approval, yet it’s very easy to loose it.

What comes (or should come) after Rubicon?

POS revamp. Current system works, but only because we have nothing else to replace it. The recent changes in Odyssey were step in the right direction (accessing storage from anywhere within the shield is really cool, and I’m sure Personal Hangar is great for WH residents). But setting up a POS, even with reduced timer is counter-intuitive and the UI to do so is still clumsy. A modular POS where you add modules by sticking them to the Control Tower like Lego bricks seems a much better idea.

A S&I GUI revamp. Seriously! CCP Karkur (and CCP Punkturis, when you get back ;-)), S&I needs your love. Lot’s of it!

  1. Selecting labs and production lines (it’s a pain when there is 40 labs to choose from, and you have to scroll-scroll-scroll-click every time you set up a job). Drawing the lists side by side, rather than one on top of another would probably be a good start.
  2. Start multiple jobs by selecting multiple lines. Hell, the current UI already allows you to select multiple lines, but there is no code to actually make sense of that multiple selection.
  3. Remember last invention choice and last decryptor used (if it’s available in hangar). Pretty please!
  4. Some in game tool to plan a production line. Currently we have to write our own third party tools to do that (see LMeve)

More visual feedback would also be fun. For example, ship assembly lines at POS could feature the hulls that are actually being built inside (mind you that would add a lot to immersion factor).

Should something be resurrected? Or buried and forgotten?

Dear CCP, you should never (and I mean it) bring old limited edition ships back. There’s plenty of hulls that the team Trilambda created, but are not available to players. I would really love a Roden Megathron in my collection! Or a Guristas Raven, when we are at it:


What is the future of the community? What should or should not change?

Less drama is all the community needs, really. Most of us are grown ups, and should behave accordingly.

EVE Online: Rubicon Status Post

EVE Online: Rubicon
Expansion name: Rubicon
Release date: November 19th, 2013
Expansion theme: Space Colonization, POCOs in high sec, small gang boost, ship rebalancing
Last update of this post: 15.11.2013
Patch notes: Rubicon


rubiconOn 26th of September CCP has announced the upcoming winter expansion called Rubicon. The deveplopers of EVE have hinted the general direction back on Fanfest, when CCP Seagull spoke about future EVE where capsuleers are not just inhabitants of New Eden. Players are supposed to colonize space, make it their own. Rubicon is probably the first in a series of expansions with space colonization theme.

While the first and most obvious feature that comes to mind is revamp of the POS system, it will not be happening just yet.

Rubicon has been available on Singularity test server since 7th of October 2013. Source: dev forum post.

New character selection screen


Click “Continue Reading” to read the whole post.

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SOMERgate aka T20’13

The text below is just my opinion on the matter. I respect the right of others to have a different one.

Scorpion Ishukone Watch (2011)I bet that almost every EVE player has already heard about the recent controversy, which caused the community to literally boil. To make the long story short, a gambling service run by Somerset Mahm (SOMER blink) has been recognized by the CCP and the Blink crew has been rewarded with a limited edition ship, Ishukone Watch Scorpion.

For many, that was plain favouritism: first to sponsor Blink with resurrected limited edition ship prizes (which in response to negative comments have been changed into new limited edition ships) and then to give them a reward of 30 Ishukone Watch Scorpions. Why Blink got the reward and Chribba didn’t? Sindel Pellion runs a charity and she didn’t get one, yet a for-profit organization got as much as 30 IWS! And they sit on an unimaginable pile of ISK anyway! They even make RL money out of it! RMT! Scam! Fraud!

Wait a second. Whose game is it? Is it mine, because I pay a monthly fee?

– No.

First off, comparing it to T20 misconduct is an exaggeration; items were given to more than just one entity, and besides these items could indeed be sold for substantial amount of ISK, it’s a one time sum, rather than ISK printing press that Tech II BPOs represent.

Secondly it’s CCP’s own right to reward anyone as they please, because it’s their game. 102 other pilots have been awarded as well. If instead of complaining people did something for the community, it might be them receiving the next limited edition ships.

For example, does the fact that I have never got any rewards from CCP (and SOMER did) should make me stop blogging about EVE or developing 3rd party software that helps running Industry corporations? Did I start all these endavours with rewards in mind? Or even to get CCP attention? Hell, no. I do it for the players. Players such as you, who would like to read about EVE, perhaps because they can’t play the game at the very moment. Plus, I do it for my corp, so we have a tool to help us plan better and make more ISK.

I can however understand why CCP has chosen to reward Blink. Running this kind of site is a full-time job. More than that, it’s a 23,5/7 operation. People that handle prizes are always there. Servers and load-balancers to handle such amount of traffic don’t grow on trees either. Yet, they are able to make a profit from it, real money profit! Without resorting to RMT, without breaking any rules. Isn’t that an achievement? Maintaining such a site really takes a considerable effort, not to mention the idea to start the thing.

“SOMER Blink does not enrich my EVE experience”. Okay. It might not enrich Your gaming experience, but it does for others. Why? Because if they feel like it, they can go and gamble. If one pays for their EVE subscription with GTCs, there is really no difference for such a person to go buy GTC directly from Markee Dragon, or through Blink. It’s exactly the same amount in USD that one has to pay. Yet in the latter case player gets free Blink credit, that can be turned into ISK. Isn’t that a great service? It’s simply bonus ISK with every GTC you buy.

So it might seem that I am white-knighting for CCP and that they are completely without a fault here. Well, not completely without a fault. While I don’t question motives behind awarding Blink with rewards, I agree that CCP has been giving their prizes in a haphazard way and without a transparent procedure. They should never give rewards such as these in secret. After the T20 incident, CCP has promised players transparency. This transparency requires that every kind of reward from developers to players should be made public. Community has never complained when CCP granted limited edition ships to Alliance Tournament winners, because both the rewards and the winners were always made public.

In the end it saddens me a bit, that because of the outrage this giveaway has stirred in the community, CCP has held giving out more rewards. That means that neither Chribba, nor Sindel, nor anyone else doing the great job of enriching EVE experience of others, is not going to get a limited edition ship for their hard work.

More reading

What would happen if empires were divided by low sec?

There is a thread in Features and Ideas Discussion forum by Commander Ted, that suggests that the four high sec empires should be divided by low sec in a similar way Solitude is disconnected from the rest of high-sec.

The original thread is here: https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=174097

Initially I have ignored that thread, because the idea seemed silly to me. But the more I thought about the idea, it seemed less and less gamebreaking. The majority of EVE players is smart and resourceful. That means, they adapt quickly to big changes (otherwise they wouldn’t be playing EVE at all). So after the initial spike of prices, they would eventually settle back down. Here’s my cause-and-effect thought experiment:

  • one big change: Jita will loose it’s “primary trade hub” status in favour of local hubs in each empire
  • lots of traders want to make quick buck on the change, so initially prices spike up
  • T1 prices settle back quickly, because:
    • local mineral suppliers will handle the demand
    • nullsec minerals will flow from neighboring nullsecs to local trade hubs
  • T2 prices will see a minor inflation
    • currently Jita is the best market for t2 components
    • ships will be moving those across borders, some of them will be lost
    • manufacturers will add these losses to their cost
  • Jump Freighters will become more common, a price spike will happen initially, then the supply is going to flood the market, thus prices will come back to (or below) their current level
  • there will be more Jump Freighters in game
    • thus, there will be more Jump Freighter kills = FUN for PVPers. More work for Manufacturers. More ISK to change hands (which is good).
  • Transport ships able to use cloaking device will see a similar price spike to Jump Freighters, but most likely less pronounced.
  • Red Frog freight will be divided into 4 racial divisions
  • Black Frog freight will earn much more money and recruit even more couriers
  • PVPers will have more targets to shoot = FUN for them. More ships lost = more work for manufacturers. More ISK to move around.
  • it will be a bit harder for missioners to change faction they run missions for. Most likely ppl will be buying one PVE ship for every racial region, andthen use jump clones to move between them
  • less inter-racial migration means some parts of high-sec space might become crowded (Caldari Online anyone?)
  • “Foreign” ice prices will sharply go up
  • in response, POS operators will switch to racial towers based on the empire they reside in
  • Uedama will loose it’s “gank central” status – no one will be flying through that anymore.

I realize that above analysis of the impact is rather superficial, but I think that the 150% inflation or 50% players rage quitting that some people predict is unlikely to happen. What do you think?

“When you go to Jita, you are scammed by humans”

This is not a post about yet-another Jita scam. We are all used to that. Instead, I thought I share a great post I saw recently.

About a year ago, during my 100.000 visits celebration I have asked what keeps you attached to EVE. I’ve got multiple replies, but neither of them were like the one I’ve stumbled upon on Failheap Challenge last night:

2012. you go to Ogrimmar, the Zeppelin overhead is coded in. The shopkeepers are scripts, and not even smart ones.

When you go to Jita, you sell to humans, you buy from humans, you are scammed by humans. There’s a player flying that mile-long cargoship currently esclipsing the sun, and for that matter [so are] the other 17 giant fucking sci-fi transports dotted around your screen.

It looks like something out of Babylon 5 or a Star Wars ‘crowd shot’, but none of it is staged. Everyone is there for their own reasons, and you might never know what it is.

Also, in EVE, you can claim a moon. I can literally stick my flag in orbit and say “This is mine until one of you cunts takes it”.
A whole fucking moon. With work, you and your buddies can take whole systems, whole constellations, declare yourselves all to be Space Popes. Not much comes up to that elsewhere.

This is one of the best descriptions of EVE Online I’ve seen so far. Unscripted, alive. EVE is real.

It’s one of the reasons I still play the same game after so many years.

Sanctuary Image Contest

CCP Eterne has recently posted a dev-blog about an all new kind of Live Events. It turns out to be a competition organized by the Sisters of EVE: you have to visit three groups of sites (with increasing difficulty of finding them and then reaching them). The guaranteed prizes may look not worth the hassle:

  • Tier 1 – Zephyr exploration ship
  • Tier 2 – Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher and a set of 8 Sisters Core Scanner Probes
  • Tier 3 – Low-Grade ‘Virtue’ Alpha implant

But in my opinion it’s the fun of travelling around New Eden, which is the real prize here. As you can see, EVE Online is more than a space shooter – it also offers a living and breathing world for players to explore. Plus, by entering the competition, you also get a chance to win 10 PLEX and have your name forever engraved on a unique landmark in New Eden.

It’s really fun and I really recommend you enter the contest too!

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Odyssey 1.1 brings back the power of NOS

Odyssey 1.1 will bring back some nice changes to PVP (there is something for industrialists as well). Sadly, it will also increase the minimum hardware requirements for EVE.

While the date of the expansion has not been disclosed yet, dev-blog about HW requirements blog mentions July 10th.

So, what is going to change?

  • Nosferatu modules will use actual cap value instead of percentage to determine if it can leech or not. What does this seemingly simple change mean? Small ships with low base cap will be able to leech bigger ships almost forever. You battleships pilots can expect nasty NOS frig gangs.

    Forum post
  • Industrial ships are getting tiericide. As a result, two main roles emerge:
    • speed and tank
    • huge cargo

    Some races (Gallente, Minmatar) had more industrials – these will get specialized cargo bays, for example for PI commodities, ores and gases or ammunition. Battle Badger will now be known as HAM Battle Badger btw.

    Forum post
    Updated forum post

  • EVE Online system requirements will be increased: minimum system will be NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or AMD X2600 GPU, and a dual core CPU running at 2.0 GHz
