More apparel for EVE Online avatars

Many players have noticed, that CCP has recently released a second batch of items, that can be bought from the Noble Exchange (one of the items included in the second release is GDN-9 “Nightstalker” Combat Goggles). Those curious about what will be coming in future batches can check themselves. In order to do so, open the Market, go to Apparel group and uncheck “Show only available”. There is several kinds of monocles coming to the NeX near you!

EDIT: as to confirm my post, two days later CCP has released a third batch of items, more affordable this time.

Free Aurum as ‘thanks’ to the EVE community

All EVE Online players who shared their media in the player museum have contributed towards the whole community. CCP will deliver 1000 AUR to every active account on Friday, 29th of July. Another batch of 1000 AUR awaits to be claimed, if players upload enough media. Want a free monocle? SHARE!

EDIT: because some people asked: Engine trails were removed from EVE Online in the Apocrypha expansion. Previously this feature was toggleable in “ESC” menu and produced trails which can be seen on the screenshot above. Engine trails looked great when ships were warping away, or when ceptors were orbiting larger ships.

Supply vs. demand vs. game design

I don’t usually mine, because mining in EVE Online does not offer much in terms of rewards. I do however build things from time to time and sometimes I need just a bit more tritanium or other easily accessible mineral. Instead of buying it from market I jump into a barge and get the job done myself. I thought about training an alt to fly an Orca, to make my occassional mining actually useful, even if I do it twice a year.

Usually such a character would train Mining Barges, Mining Foreman and Mining Director skills to 5. To improve the bonuses given by the Orca by another 50 percent, a Mining Foreman Mindlink can be used. And here comes a little, nasty surprise. I remember that these implants used to cost about 40-50 million ISK. Did you know, that they are now worth 10 (ten!) times as much?

To answer the question WHY

Mining Formean Mindlink price skyrocketed like this, we need to inspect the graph below:

The source of Mindlinks is neither NPC nor Blueprint: they can only be obtained by doing storyline missions (for example Shipyard Theft). In the Incursion expansion CCP has introduced an extensive batch of storyline missions, which results in much lower probability of getting “the right mission” with the Mining Foreman Mindlink implant. This is why I have marked the three stages of Incursion deployment on the price graph.

“What about the Hulkageddon” you might ask?

The amount of destroyed Orca’s and their pilots podded is marginal compared to the amount of Hulks destroyed in Hulkageddon, so I don’t think Helicity Boson could be held responsible. Hulkageddon is a great opportunity for people who build mining ships and is beneficial for the New Eden economy, even though miners disagree.

I’m nowhere near being a full time miner, so I will probably skip the “dedicated Orca alt” plan, because at this point the investment will not make a return.

Dear CCP:

Please look at the distribution of Mindlink implants, unless it was your plan to increase their price. If not, this issue should be adressed pronto.

iOS 4.3.4 deployed, jailbreak already available

Apple has adressed the hole in PDF viewer, and an update has been released for the following devices:

  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4 (GSM)
  • iPod Touch 3gen
  • iPod Touch 4gen
  • iPad
  • iPad 2

There are no other changes in the patch description.

It is also already possible to jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 using Pwnage Tool. Details are available here.

About jailbreak and bias

Cydia front page
Cydia front page

Thanks to @musclenerd (who linked this on twitter) I have recently read this text about how jailbreak is bad, and how jailbreakers are all criminals. To put it simply, I don’t like when someone, who has no idea about a topic, writes with such a bias and confidence.

But let’s be fair and review all the points mentioned in said text.

  1. “a major company decides to lockout a tiny percentage of its customer base for the greater good of all other users” Of course, every company has the right to ban user from accessing their service, if said user does not follow the license agreement. But is it really for the greater good? Is it a coincidence, that the author of the Mobile Notifier has been hired by Apple? If Apple was so dedicated to eradicate jailbreakers, why hiring one of them? Apple knows, that jailbreaking community is a source of innovation, and a field trial for new, unstable features.
  2. “get underneath the iPhone’s operating system, hack it into something different entirely, and use their iPhone as less of a tool and more of a tinker-toy for their geek hobbyist fantasies.” sorry, but as far as I know, modifying phones, cars, tools is peoples own choice. Did they pay for their iPhone? Yes. That gives them right to do anything with it, including microwaving it or dropping from height. Or jailbreaking. Of course, some of these actions will void the warranty, and majority of jailbreakers accept this fact.
    On a sidenote, another major smartphone manufacturer, the HTC company allows their users unrestricted access to tinker with software of their phones. This made the company very successful, and a dedicated community of developers is creating ROM images, programs and tweaks, which increase the base functionality of their phones. See
  3. Their agenda is clear: they consider iPhone users who don’t hack their iPhone to be “in jail” and must be freed. This “jail” is nothing more than disallowing the administrator access to iOS (to defend Apple’s busines model, but thats another story). Mac’s for example don’t have such a restriction and users have free access to root account.
  4. “Apple Stores flooded with mainstream users whose iPhones are no longer reliable, usable, or comprehensible” this is the risk of people who jailbreak their device. These people more often than not, know what they are doing, and thus they know about the risk. Jailbreak can almost always be removed by restoring to a stock software package.
  5. “stealing pay-for features like tethering without paying for them” stealing tethering? Didn’t the user pay for the data plan? Yes. So it’s their right to use that data plan, tethered or not, because they paid the operator for the data transfer. Only a handful of mobile operators in the world put an additional charge for enabling tethering in their terminals. The majority don’t care about how their users use the data plan as long as they paid for that plan.

It seems, that the author of the mentioned text fails to understand what jailbreaking is, what is it used for, how the jailbreaking community works, that there is world outside of AT&T, and that there is a percentage of people in the world, who are innovative, creative and know how to improve stock software.

PS. I have been running jailbroken iOS on my previous iPhone (2G) for quite a while, because I had to unlock it (so I could use it outside of US), and to enable features like MMS messaging and a few others.

About Noble Exchange and market PVP

Doen’t matter if one is completely new to EVE or if one is a vet, almost every player knows that EVE Online is a PVP focused game. Large majority of people will however limit this PVP to pure combat, which is not exactly true.

The Noble Exchange have gained lots of attention when it was first introduced, but now that things calmed down, people started using it. And just like in PVP combat, some players just aren’t good at market PVP.

First off, let’s do some maths, because EVE’s second nickname is ‘Excel in space’.

Typical sell price of a PLEX is today 368 million ISK (Essence region). One PLEX can be converted to 3500 AUR, so the exchange ratio would be:

1 AUR = 105 143 ISK

That means, that if for example Men’s ‘Precision’ Boots cost 1000 Aurum, they should not be sold below 105 million ISK. If the same applies to Women’s ‘Executor’ Coat, I should pay at least 368 million for it.

Luckily for me, some people decided that math sucks, and it’s better to sell some clothing below these thresholds ‘because why the hell not’. So I bought said boots for my main for 59 million and the Coat for my female alt for 30 million ISK.

Wanna proof? Look below 😉

PS. I also bought a Fenrir freighter for 680 thousand ISK in the past, so this kind of things really happen.

Warsaw by night

Most cities look better at night than they do in the day. This of course inspires many, and results in shots similar to these below.


Ubuntu 11.10 “Oneiric Ocelot” Alpha 2 released

Ubuntu 11.10 desktop
Ubuntu 11.10 desktop

The Alpha 2 build of the new Ubuntu 11.10, which should be released in about 3 months, has just been released by Canonical. New version of this popular Linux distribution will bring some changes, for example:

  • No Ubuntu Classic (GNOME) fallback. Unity-2d/Qt by default – Unity-2d as default 2d experience.
  • Plan how to integrate GNOME 3 and port GTK2/pygtk2 apps to it.
  • LightDM default login/user switching by LightDM. Ubuntu themed greeter
  • Deja Dup – Simple backup by default
  • Gwibber UI port to speed up UI and more modern look and feel
  • Thunderbird as default email client
  • Software Center UI Focus areas for this cycle are a general visual “makeover” (new icons, etc.), enhanced integration with Unity, targeted performance improvements, better touch-friendliness, increased stability and usability improvements.
Ubuntu 11.10 lock screen
Ubuntu 11.10 lock screen

On a side note, lock screen reminds of an… iPad lock screen.
