IE6 Countdown

IE6 Countdown

Internet Explorer 6 was introduced 10 years ago, and was a technological breakthrough at the time. Unfortunately with passing years, the browser grew older and less secure (not to mention it’s “weird” compatibility with HTML standards), while every other vendor upgraded their web browsing product. Microsoft took action a bit too late, but Internet Explorer was also upgraded.

Unfortunately, 12% of the internet users worldwide either don’t know, that they use an outdated and insecure browser, or don’t know how to upgrade it. I have decided (You can help, too!) to join the campaign to inform users why and how should they upgrade, to make their browsing experience better, faster and most of all, safer.

EDIT: It seems that linking to this site has killed my Google PR – it hit 0 and stays that way, even though I have removed all links leading to Google must have assumed is some kind of SEO spam.

You can read more about the campaign on