iPad2 jailbroken, serious hole in iOS PDF

On 4th of July some jailbreak related websites (limera1n) Mentioned that www.jailbreakme.com has changed and probably a new jailbreak is coming soon. They were not mistaken:



This means, that the following devies:

  • iPhone 3GS running iOS 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPhone 4 running iOS 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPod 3rd & 4th gen running iOS 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3
  • iPad running iOS 4.3 to 4.3.3
  • iPad2 running iOS 4.3.3

can now be jailbroken by visiting the website above. The new jailbreakme.com 3.0 exploits a vulnerability in the iOS’s PDF reader which has been exposed by a guy called comex. This unfortunately means, that the current build of iOS 4.3.3 is unsafe, and users who don’t jailbreak should be very cautious about unknown links and PDF files, as it is possible they can exploit the same hole as said jailbreak. It is possible to patch the vulnerability by installing a patch from Cydia: PDF Patcher 2 to Fix the PDF Exploit also released by comex.

IE6 Countdown

IE6 Countdown

Internet Explorer 6 was introduced 10 years ago, and was a technological breakthrough at the time. Unfortunately with passing years, the browser grew older and less secure (not to mention it’s “weird” compatibility with HTML standards), while every other vendor upgraded their web browsing product. Microsoft took action a bit too late, but Internet Explorer was also upgraded. Read more